Settlement Plaza Park was initially acquired in 2000 through M&C L-12811 through a combination park dedication and donation of 9.44 acres for parkland. This acquisition provided the opportunity for a linear connection with George Markos Park. The developer was Orinda Capital Partners, L.P. In 2004, the City Council authorized the acceptance of 0.96 acres from Willow Wood LP to serve as an access point from Settlement Plaza Park to the Willow Wood Addition subdivision. The developer agreed to plant trees on the lot. The park now contains 10.4 acres.
The park has a 0.40 mile cement trail connecting from George Markos Park on Academy Boulevard to the west into the adjacent neighborhood by the park swings. Picnic tables overlook Farmers Branch stream.
The geology of the park is Goodland Limestone and Walnut Clay. These were formed in deep sea marine environments in the Early Cretaceous. Goodland is coarsely nodular. The southern portion of the park is comprised of Kiamichi Formation of the Early Cretaceous. Kiamichi expresses Gryphaea marine fossils and some pecten in sandstone. Soils are Frio silty and loamy alluvium in the floodplain of Walnut Creek.
The soils at the park are Slidell Series, which is a calcareous clay soil.
Farmers Branch stream runs through the park. The bedrock of the stream is exposed Goodland Limestone, formed in an ancient marine environment. The stream is ephemeral, meaning that it only flows during the rainy season. The park, although mowed, is a remnant of the Fort Worth Prairie ecosystem. Many species can be found including stemmy four-nerved daisy, Dakota mock vervain, Texas sage, Berlandier's sundrops, star milkvine, and Englemann daisy. Antelopehorn milkweed is found here, which is a host plant for migratory monarch butterflies. Sweepnetting by a Texas Parks & Wildlife Department biologist identified over 23 species of insects, as well as 5 species of arachnids. The insect population is very diverse due mostly to the remnant prairie species. Birds observed at the park are the typical birds one might see in an urban park.
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9745 Francesca Drive, Fort Worth 76108 View Map
9745 Francesca Drive , Fort Worth 76108