Silver Sage Park was acquired in 1982. As part of a 2004 bond package, the park received new playground equipment in 2005 and additional improvements in 2006. It consists of approximately 10.5 acres and is mostly used as a playground.
Recreational highlights of the park include a soccer field and baseball/softball backstops and bleachers. Picnic tables are scattered throughout under shade trees. A pavilion is near the playground.
The park lies within the Pawpaw, Weno Limestone and Denton Clay geologic formations. Pawpaw is a calcareous ledge-forming marl interbedded with limestone and clay. Weno Limestone, has thin marl interbeds that form resistant ledge forms in uplands. Denton clay is comprised of alternating clay, marl, and limestone.
The park is equally split between three soil types. Slidell soils, on the western third of the park are calcareous clay. The Speck series on the east third consists of shallow, well drained, slowly permeable soils formed in residuum (weathered rock; not transported from elsewhere) and colluvium (accumulates at the foot of a slope) derived from limestone. The southern third is comprised of Branyon series of very deep, moderately well drained, very slowly permeable soils that formed in calcareous clayey alluvium (deposited via streams) derived from mudstone of Pleistocene age.
The park lies between a tributary of Big Fossil Creek to the west, and Whites Branch to the east. The entirety of the park is actively used for neighborhood sports and recreation. Trees near the playground offer shaded picnic spots.
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7017 Silver Sage Drive, Fort Worth 76137 View Map
7017 Silver Sage Drive , Fort Worth 76137
Silver Sage Park playground
Silver Sage Park sign
Silver Sage Park picnic area
Silver Sage Park backstop
Silver Sage Park bleachers
Silver Sage Park soccer field
Silver Sage Park shaded picnic area
Capital Projects