Sinclair Neighborhood Park
Additional amenities
- Bench
- Bridge
- Electrical box
- Lighting
- Pet station
- Playground area
- Shelter
- Stand alone swing
- Trash receptacle
Fun facts
On September 29, 2009, the City Council approved the dedication of approximately 16.48 acres of parkland and facility improvements from Sheffield, L.P. in accordance with the Neighborhood and Community Park Dedication Policy. The developer also constructed approximately 2,300 linear feet of trail, a playground, two benches, a trash receptacle, and two low-water crossings/pedestrian bridges at an estimated value of $126,000.
Recreational highlights of the park include a 0.75 mile cement loop trail on both sides of the stream, connecting the adjacent neighborhoods. A pavilion provides a shady spot to picnic; with swings nearby.
The majority of the park lies within the Pawpaw, Weno Limestone and Denton Clay geologic formations. Pawpaw is a calcareous ledge-forming marl interbedded with limestone and clay.
The soil series is Sanger-Slidell. Sanger soils consists of very deep, well drained, very slowly permeable soils that formed in clayey marine sediments. Slidell soils are calcareous clay soil.
The park is a tributary of Whites Branch stream with adjacent wetlands. Nearly a quarter-mile of the stream is part of an 8.82 acre wetland mitigation project with an upland riparian buffer. As part of the mitigation, the site was planted with a mix of native trees and shrubs as well as a mix of native grasses and forbs. Trees planted include pecan, bur oak, cedar elm, Shumard red oak, and green ash. Shrub species include Mexican plum, rough-leaf dogwood, redbud, buttonbush, coralberry, and false indigo. Native grass and forb species were seeded on the upland slopes (little bluestem, big bluestem, indiangrass, sideoats grama, hairy grama, switchgrass, barnyard grass, Canada wildrye, and various wildflower species).
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9899 Sinclair Street, Fort Worth 76244 View Map
9899 Sinclair Street ,
Fort Worth 76244
9899 Sinclair Street ,
Fort Worth 76244
Sinclair Neighborhood Park
Photo Gallery