Smith-Wilemon Pocket Park



  • 1998


  • 3.2 acres

Additional amenities

  • Bench
  • Drinking fountain
  • Grill
  • Playground area
  • Shelter
  • Stand-alone swings
  • Table
  • Trash receptacle

Fun facts

This park was acquired in 1998 and contains approximately 3.23 acres. In 1999, the Parks and Community Services Advisory Board approved a master plan developed by Gideon Toal, Inc. Work on the improvements began in 2000 but budget shortfalls prevented the inclusion of funds for a picnic shelter. In May of that year, the White Rock Hills Community Trust issued a check for $12,000 to cover the costs of the shelter. In addition, Marc B. Smith donated $4,000 for the purchase and installation of a granite boulder park sign.


The park is nestled amongst woods with a cement trail leading to swings and a pavilion with picnic tables. Beyond the play area, a natural surface trail wends through the woods.


The park lies within the Grayson Marl and Main Street Limestone of the Cretaceous Period. Grayson Marl consists of greenish-gray thinly interbedded limestone with nodular bits of shale, sand and fossiliferous material. The Main Street Limestone is hard, thin interbedded gray and white layers.


The park soils are of the Aledo soil series, which is residuum from weathered limestone of the Cretaceous Period.


The woodland is surprisingly diverse in tree and shrub species. The overstory consists of Shumard red oak, Texas ash, cedar elm, and sugar hackberry with an understory of Mexican plum, Texas redbud, and Carolina laurelcherry. Although the park is almost entirely wooded, some remnant Fort Worth Prairie species are present including Drummond's skullcap, palmleaf winecup, rabbit tobacco, and Carolina woolywhite.  

View animal, plant and insect species observed at Smith-Wilemon Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section.

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925 Willow Ridge Road, Fort Worth 76103  View Map

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