Stratford Neighborhood Park
Additional amenities
- Natural surface trail connection with Tandy Hills Nature Area, Stratford Nature Area and (eventually) Broadcast Hill Open Space.
Fun facts
Stratford Park was acquired in 1924 in what was originally far eastern Fort Worth. However, this park was not mentioned in Hare & Hare’s 1930 Master Plan but was described in their 1957 plan “as an irregularly shaped area, mostly at the back of residential properties. It is useful for picnic purposes, although access is difficult; but it is too rough for recreational purposes.” It further stated that if other recreational facilities could be provided for the neighborhoods then the park board should consider selling this park.[1] That same year a development firm approached the park board about purchasing the 50-acre wooded park but decided against it after a number of residents of the Meadowbrook area appeared before the board to speak in opposition to the proposal.[2]
In 1973, the park benefitted from a bond issue that provided $28 million to be supplemented with $45 million in federal grants for improvements for it and the adjacent Tandy Hills Park. The funds were used for improvements to playgrounds, a baseball diamond, picnic areas, and hiking and biking trails.[3]
In the late 1970s, the park department anticipated using $45,000 Community Development Block Grant funding for improvements to Stratford Park. Because area residents desired that the park retain its natural setting, some of the funds dedicated for this park were transferred for use in Normandy Park in 1980. Stratford Park received improvements such as picnic areas and nature trails.
The park was subject to illegal dumping and residents became upset when the Water Department’s repairs to the sewer system severely impacted the natural characteristics of the park. People taking advantage of the park’s topography and remoteness for off-road vehicles also damaged the park. Actions such as these reinforced the view that Stratford Park had scenic and natural qualities that deserved preservation and that access to the park needed to be controlled to foot traffic only. To address such issues, thirty-five acres of the park was dedicated for use as the Stratford Nature Area.
[1] Hare & Hare, “A Master Plan of Park and Recreation Areas for Fort Worth, Texas,” 9.
[2] Fort Worth Star-Telegram, November 8, 1957 (morning edition), FWSTCC, AR406-7-59-36.
[3] Dallas Morning News, April 2, 1978.
Natural surface hiking trails connect Tandy Hills Park and Nature Area to Stratford Nature Area, and eventually to Broadcast Hill Open Space Conservation Area to create a seamless urban wilderness experience.
The majority of the park lies within the Pawpaw, Weno Limestone and Denton Clay geologic formations. The geology of the park lies within the Pawpaw, Weno Limestone and Denton Clay geologic formations. Pawpaw is a calcareous ledge-forming marl interbedded with limestone and clay. Weno Limestone contains thin marl interbeds that forms resistant upland ledges. Denton Clay encompasses alternating clay, marl, and limestone. The easternmost portion lies within the Grayson Marl and Main Street Limestone of the Cretaceous Period. Grayson Marl consists of greenish-gray thinly interbedded limestone with nodular bits of shale, sand and fossiliferous material. The Main Street Limestone is hard, thin interbedded gray and white layers.
The Aledo-Bolar Complex soil series consists of shallow, well drained, moderately permeable soils on gently sloping to steep uplands; that formed in interbedded limestones and marls of the Cretaceous Period. The riparian stretch just west of the boundary into Tandy Hills Nature Area is dominated by Frio loamy bottomland soils.
The soils and topography allow for similar ecology as Tandy Hills. The park has been consumed by invasive privet shrubs, which currently suppress the native prairie and woodland vegetation at the park. However, there are a few remnant pocket prairie openings. Future efforts to remove and control the privet will be long-term and will require a combination of City, contractor, and volunteer partnership. Neighborhood volunteers have worked to clear privet along the street.
View animal, plant and insect species observed at Stratford Neighborhood Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section.
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2220 Chelsea Road, Fort Worth 76103 View Map
2220 Chelsea Road ,
Fort Worth 76103
2220 Chelsea Road ,
Fort Worth 76103
Stratford Neighborhood Park
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