The entire park is a sports track.
The 4.9 acre park serves as a running track for the adjacent school and community.
The park was established in 1985 and supplements local school recreational and athletic activities.
The park is comprised of Early Cretaceous mudstone and claystone from the of Pawpaw, Weno Limestone, and Denton Clay formations.
Half the park lies within Sanger soils, which contain clayey upland soils that formed in an ancient marine environment. The eastern half lies within Aledo permeable soils that formed in interbedded limestones and marls of Cretaceous age.
The park is maintained for sports activities.
View animal, plant and insect species observed at Summerfields Northwest Pocket Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section.
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7755 Buttonwood Drive, Fort Worth 76137 View Map
7755 Buttonwood Drive , Fort Worth 76137