Sundance Springs Park, donated in 2008 via the Parkland Dedication program, is located in the watershed of Sycamore Creek in south Fort Worth.
This is a neighborhood park with a 0.25 mile paved trail, a playground, practice ball field with backstop, soccer goals, and a multi-use court.
The geology is Grayson Marl and Main Street Limestone of the Cretaceous age. Grayson Marl consists of greenish-gray thinly interbedded limestone with nodular bits of shale, sand and fossiliferous material. The Main Street Limestone is hard, thin interbedded gray and white layers.
The soils at the park are predominately Slidell Series, which is a calcareous clay material derived from marl and shale of lower Cretaceous age.
The park is bisected by a small unnamed remnant stream that originally flowed into Sycamore Creek before adjacent development. The park provides connection to several neighborhoods and is bordered on the east by railroad tracks and Sycamore Strip Airport just beyond. Most of the park is used for active recreational pursuits, but a mesquite and hackberry woodland with a grass understory provides habitat for some wildlife; which in turn offers wildlife viewing opportunities.
View animal, plant and insect species observed at Sundance Springs Neighborhood Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section.
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7791 Hawkwood Terrace, Fort Worth 76123 View Map
7791 Hawkwood Terrace , Fort Worth 76123
Park sign
Sundance Springs Park sign
Playground and benches
Basketball court
Paved trail
Capital Projects