Timberland Park



  • 2018


  • 2.7 acres

Additional amenities

  • No amenities

Fun facts

Timberland Park is a reserve park meaning it is in queue to be a developed park. Currently there are no improvements on the site.


There are no amenities to date. A cement sidewalk borders the reserve park.


The reserve park sits atop Grayson Marl and Main Street Limestone geology. Grayson Marl is greenish-gray thin interbeds of nodules, sand inclusions and fossiliferous limestone. Main Street Limestone is also interbedded layers of limestone and marl.


The site is evenly divided between Ponder Series clay soils derived from calcareous marine sediments during the Cretaceous; and Wilson Series soil that formed in calcareous clayey alluvium of Pleistocene age derived from mudstone.


The reserve park historically would have been a grassland habitat but has since become rank and woody. This habitat still can support winter sparrows, urban wildlife and many pollinators.

View animal, plant and insect species observed at Timberland Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section.

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4400 Keller Haslet Road, Fort Worth 76244  View Map

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