Trail Lake Estates Park
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This park is a reserve park, meaning amenities will be developed in the future.
On June 12, 2001, City Council accepted 2.22 acres from developer Bill H. Bowman for the dedication of Trail Lake Estates Park. The park was acquired to connect to a parcel that would be dedicated in the future by the developers of Ridgeview, and the total park size will be 6.05 acres.[1] As of 2024, the park has 4.58 acres.
[1] City of Fort Worth, Mayor & Council Communication, L-13075, June 12, 2001.
The geology is Grayson Marl and Main Street Limestone of the Cretaceous. Grayson Marl consists of greenish-gray thinly interbedded limestone with nodular bits of shale, sand and fossiliferous material. The Main Street Limestone is hard, thin interbedded gray and white layers.
Soils consist of the Purves series of moderately alkaline calcareous composition, while the Bolar series on the north end of the park is more loamy and well-drained.
Trees are not present at the park, as it was historically a prairie and more recently rangeland. Typical species that would grow on these soils are live oaks and mesquite. Grasses historically found on this soil are little bluestem, indiangrass, buffalograss and many mixedgrass species found on Fort Worth Prairie sites.
View animal, plant and insect species observed at Trail Lake Estates Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section.
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7160 Trail Lake Drive, Fort Worth 76123 View Map
7160 Trail Lake Drive ,
Fort Worth 76123
7160 Trail Lake Drive ,
Fort Worth 76123
Trail Lake Estates Park