Watts Neighborhood Park
Additional amenities
- Bench
- Bike rack
- Electrical box
- Park lighting
- Playground area
- Shelter
- Table
- Trash receptacle
Fun facts
On February 15, 2011 the Fort Worth Mayor and City Council voted unanimously to accept the donation of parkland and facility improvements by Fort Worth South Inc. to become Watts Park. This beautiful central city park is named in honor of Dr. James M. Watts. Dr. Watts had a vision to improve the neighborhood through increased community amenities and green space. He helped raise money, along with community partners, to develop the strategic plan to revitalize the area.
This small park is full of amenities for the neighborhood including a playground, a short ADA cement walking trail, a bike rack, picnic tables, benches, a shelter, and lighting.
The park lies within the Pawpaw, Weno Limestone and Denton Clay geologic formations. Pawpaw is a calcareous ledge-forming marl interbedded with limestone and clay.
The park consists of Bolar soils, which are shallow, well drained, moderately permeable soils on gently sloping to steep uplands; that formed in interbedded limestones and marls of the Cretaceous Period.
The park has shade trees for people and perching birds.
View animal, plant and insect species observed at Watts Neighborhood Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section.
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700 May Street, Fort Worth 76104 View Map
700 May Street ,
Fort Worth 76104
700 May Street ,
Fort Worth 76104
Watts Neighborhood Park
Photo Gallery