Westcreek Neighborhood Park

Westcreek Park (11).JPG


  • 1971



  • 17 acres


Additional amenities

  • Basketball court
  • Bench 
  • Grill
  • Multi-use/purpose slab
  • Park lighting
  • Parking lot
  • Playground
  • Shelter
  • Soccer field
  • Softball/baseball field
  • Stand-alone swing
  • Table
  • Tennis court


Fun facts and History

This 17-acre park was acquired in 1971 and was purchased with U.S. Bureau of Outdoor Recreation matching funds in compliance with the 1965-70 Capital Improvement Program for the Southwest Hills area. Before it was officially dedicated as a City park it was known as Southwest Hills Park. Its terrain is flat to slightly rolling with a creek along the southeast side. Among the earliest improvements was the installation of playground equipment. A shelter was erected in 1986. Playground renovations occurred in 2000. In 2002, the City entered into a lease agreement with the Fort Worth ISD giving the district access to 0.22 acres for part of an athletic facility for the construction of the outfield fence for a new baseball diamond at South Hills High School. As of 2014, the park contains a shelter, playground, trail, and picnic facilities. Improvements to the playground were completed in 2023.[1]

[1] Westcreek Park file, #70, PARD; Minutes of a Park & Recreation Board Meeting, July 23, 1970, 6; Patrick Vicknair, email to Deborah Branch, April 3, 2023.


View animal, plant and insect species observed at Westcreek Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section. 


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6008 Jennie Drive, Fort Worth 76133  View Map

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