Wildwood Neighborhood Park



  • 1918



  • 6 acres


Additional amenities

  • Entrance sign
  • Grill
  • Picnic Tables
  • Trash Receptacle


Fun Facts and History

Wildwood Park is one of approximately 20 parks located around Lake Worth. It is located on the far west side of the lake and appears on a circa1937 map as a Park Department public recreational area. However, according to Park Board minutes, it was used for a commercial lease. A lease with R. G. Gustafson was terminated on June 1, 1957, and he was given until the end of the year to remove any improvements. Later, the Park Board agreed to pay Mr. Gustafson $1,600 for improvements he had made to the site. It was not officially designated a public park until November 1970. The park has shoreline access to Lake Worth. It is densely-shaded with riparian gallery forest trees.[1]

[1] Minutes of the Board of Park Commissioners, July 10, 1957, 1. Additional information provided by Michelle Villafranca, April 28, 2023.


View animal, plant and insect species observed at Wildwood Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section. 

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9849 Watercress Drive, Fort Worth 76108  View Map

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