Wildwood North Community Park


  • 1918


  • 124.35 acres

Additional amenities

  • No amenities

Fun facts and History 

Like Wildwood Park, Wildwood North is one of approximately 20 parks located around Lake Worth. Although it was located on City-owned land, it was not officially designated a public park until November 1970. The park contains approximately 124.35 acres and has a significantly intact Western Cross Timbers habitat with scattered pocket prairies and glades. It stands as one of the few examples of Western Cross Timbers habitat on public property in Fort Worth. The park is in reserve status. In July 2007, the City Council gave approval to the Cowtown Bowman Archery Club to use the park as an archery range.[1]

[1] City of Fort Worth, Mayor & Council Communication, C-22257, July 17, 2007; additional information provided by Michelle Villafranca, April 28, 2023.


View animal, plant and insect species observed at Wildwood North Park and make some of your own observations through iNaturalist. See link under the "Related information" Section. 

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9900 Watercress Drive, Fort Worth 76108  View Map

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