Mowing and Maintenance

Median mowing.cropped.jpg

Did you know Park & Recreation not only is responsible for almost 300 parks, but we also mow numerous right of ways, medians, alleys, and city facilities such as libraries, police stations, and office buildings? 

Unpaved Alleyway Mowing Program (AMP) 

In the fall of 2022, the Alleyway Mowing Program transferred to the Park & Recreation Department from Neighborhood Services. Below are some frequently asked questions about the program. For all alley questions or requests contact the Call Center at 817-392-1234 or 1234@FortWorthTexas.Gov


Public space mowing

The City of Fort Worth Park & Recreation Department is responsible for mowing certain right of ways, medians, parks, city facilities and recently some alleys.  Mowing and litter removal is accomplished using a combination of City staff and contractors.  The mow season typically starts at the end of February or early March and continues until early to mid-November depending on weather conditions. During peak “grow season” assigned inventory is typically mowed every 14 days, then during the off season, aka the long hot dry season we call “summer”, mow cycles increase to once every 21 days.  


Maintenance concerns in a park

The City of Fort Worth Park & Recreation Department is responsible for maintaining almost 300 parks and more than 200 playground areas.  Maintenance includes making sure trash is removed twice a week, walking trails and playgrounds are safe and much more. While visiting a park, if an area is observed that needs maintenance please let us know.