Did you know Park & Recreation not only is responsible for almost 300 parks, but we also mow numerous right of ways, medians, alleys, and city facilities such as libraries, police stations, and office buildings?
Unpaved Alleyway Mowing Program (AMP)
In the fall of 2022, the Alleyway Mowing Program transferred to the Park & Recreation Department from Neighborhood Services. Below are some frequently asked questions about the program. For all alley questions or requests contact the Call Center at 817-392-1234 or 1234@FortWorthTexas.Gov
Fort Worth has approximately 2,448 alley blocks in its inventory, with the majority being unpaved or partially paved. Currently there are 1,234 out of the 2,448 alleys included within the AMP.
Red indicates an alley not in the AMP, blue indicates an alley within the AMP program:
Core services include quarterly mowing, tree and shrub trimming up to 10 feet, litter and debris removal. Please be aware that residents adjacent to an alley are not allowed to place any brush or trash in the alley as this is considered illegal dumping and violators are subject to illegal dumping fines. All yard trimmings and bulk trash needs to be placed in same location as garbage and recycling carts for collection by Solid Waste Services. For Solid Waste Services collection information visit: https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/code-compliance/solidwaste
The city offers limited, one-time alley mowing and cleanup services for out-of-program alley locations that have been reported by residents and also fit within the AMP scope of services. To request an alley not inside the AMP be addressed email 1234@fortworthtexas.gov or call 817-392-1234. Requests do not guarantee service.
Residents are also welcome to conduct a cleanup on their own, or with their neighbors. Contact Keep Fort Worth Beautiful (KFWB@FortWorthTexas.Gov) to schedule a citizen lead volunteer cleanup.
The AMP alleys were identified in collaboration with Fort Worth Police in order to help mitigate crime and foster safe neighborhoods.
Paved alleys, consisting of 251 block segments, are maintained by the Transportation & Public Works (TPW) Department. TPW manages the alley paving. Any vegetation along a paved alley should be easy to access via back property gates and maintained by the adjacent private property owner with access to the alley.
The vast majority of unpaved/or unimproved alleys in Fort Worth are not in place for residents to access their home via vehicle, but are in place for utility company use. Consequently, unpaved alleys are not maintained for residential vehicular use by the City of Fort Worth. Filling alley pot holes and ruts is not an AMP core service. If a resident chooses to drive upon an unimproved alley it is strongly recommended to not drive upon an alleyway when the ground is wet and muddy or severe rutting will occur.
Contact the City of Fort Worth call center at 817-392-1234 or 1234@fortworthtexas.gov. This will start the process for the City to make the campers aware of resources available to them, have them vacate the alley, and get the alley cleaned up.
Yes, this is possible but is a process which starts with having everyone on the alley block agree to take ownership of the alley. This is followed by a right-of-way vacation application submitted to the Plan Commission which then must make a recommendation for City Council to approve. Utility locations are a consideration that factor in to this request. Call Development Services for more information at 817-392-2222.
Anytime a tree grows into a resident’s yard, the private property owner is allowed to cut that branch/es if desired. Be aware that the trimming work cannot be injurious or kill the tree but pruning of branches growing onto private property is allowed. If the tree is growing on the utility line, please contact Oncor at 888.313.6862.
Public space mowing
The City of Fort Worth Park & Recreation Department is responsible for mowing certain right of ways, medians, parks, city facilities and recently some alleys. Mowing and litter removal is accomplished using a combination of City staff and contractors. The mow season typically starts at the end of February or early March and continues until early to mid-November depending on weather conditions. During peak “grow season” assigned inventory is typically mowed every 14 days, then during the off season, aka the long hot dry season we call “summer”, mow cycles increase to once every 21 days.
Right of ways adjacent to private property where the private property owner has access to mow are typically not mowed by the City, but are mowed by the property owner when they service the rest of their property. Right of ways without access are typically mowed by the City. For example, a back-property line that has a fence with no gate would typically be mowed by the City, unless the right of way is maintained by a home owner association and/or adopted.
Some neighborhoods/HOAs, businesses or non-profits that wish to have enhanced landscaping in the medians near their neighborhoods or businesses are welcomed to obtain an “adoption agreement” with the City of Fort Worth. Adoptions can include services such as irrigation, mowing and litter removal, but every adoption is unique and what is included depends on the agreement. Visit this website for more information:
A great way to report high grass or mowing concerns is via the MyFW app, which allows reporters to take a photo of the area of concern and with a few simple clicks submit the issue. A work order is then generated and city staff strive hard to address all concerns in a pre-set amount of time. Another reporting method is via the Call Center at 817-392-1234 or 1234@fortworthtexas.gov.
Visit Naturally Fort Worth! to learn more about the benefits of natural areas left either in their natural habitat or that are minimally maintained.
The Adopt-a-Spot program allows volunteers to adopt public spaces like parks, medians and roadways for regular litter cleanups and other maintenance activities. Adoptions are great for any group who wants to have a positive and lasting impact on the environment.
Maintenance concerns in a park
The City of Fort Worth Park & Recreation Department is responsible for maintaining almost 300 parks and more than 200 playground areas. Maintenance includes making sure trash is removed twice a week, walking trails and playgrounds are safe and much more. While visiting a park, if an area is observed that needs maintenance please let us know.
A great way to report maintenance concerns is via the MyFW app, which allows reporters to take a photo of the area of concern and with a few simple clicks submit the issue. Simply look for the header in the app called “Park Property”. A work order is then generated that comes right to the appropriate people’s inbox. Please know city staff strive hard to address all concerns in a pre-set amount of time. Another reporting method is via the Call Center at 817-392-1234 or 1234@fortworthtexas.gov
Whether the graffiti is on your private property or a park property, our Graffiti Abatement Program offers no-cost graffiti removal services.
The Adopt-a-Spot program allows volunteers to adopt public spaces like parks, medians and roadways for regular litter cleanups and other maintenance activities. Adoptions are great for any group who wants to have a positive and lasting impact on the environment.