Did you know you can rent an entire pool for a private event?
Forest Park Pool and Marine Park Pool are available for rentals after-hours during the pool season, Memorial to Labor Day. Rentals are two hours, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., and include lifeguards.
Dates are limited and reservations must be made online.
Rentals are available Saturday, June 7 - Sunday, August 10, 2025, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
$450 rental fee.
Lifeguards are provided.
All rentals are taken online and the full rental fee is due at the time of reservation.
No rentals on holiday weekends, Fourth of July, Monday-Thursday or days when the pool is closed.
Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis and rentals must be made at least two weeks in advance.
Inclement Weather Policy: In the case of inclement weather, customers can either request a refund or work with staff to reschedule for an open date.
Proper swim attire is required for all attendees.