Demographics Data & Maps

Demographics and Mapping



mySidewalk is a city intelligence tool that captures a variety of demographic data. Reports for the City of Fort Worth, council districts, and specific zip codes can be found on the mySidewalk reports page.

Demographic information is presented yearly in the Trends chapters of the Comprehensive Plan and during the City Council Retreat.

Comprehensive Plan chapters focused on demographics and the Council Retreat Presentation can be found below.

Additional demographic information can be found through Data USA

View additional mapping services and downloads.

For more information on demographics or mapping please send an email to the Long Range Planning team with your request details and contact information.


Development Data & Maps


Water/Sewer and Utility Location Information and Site Plans

Record drawing requests for water, sewer, stormwater and paving plans should be submitted to the City of Fort Worth via a Public Information Request (PIR).

PIRs can be submitted via the City’s website:

  • The requestor will need to create a user name and log-in.
  • The requestor will be able to then track their PIR via: track their PIR
  • There is no limit to the number of sites for which record drawings can be requested in the online form, though there may be a character limit for the field. In some cases, multiple requests may be required.

For easement document information, please refer to: