Spring Egg-Stravaganza!

Colorful sign that says

Mark your calendar now for our annual Northwest Police Division community celebration! This year we’re partnering with North Tri-Ethnic Community Center to bring you a Spring Egg-Stravaganza! Plan to spend the day with us hunting eggs, taking pictures with the Easter Bunny, playing games for prizes, eating pizza, peeking inside police and emergency vehicles and checking out cool lowrider cars. Meet your neighborhood police officers and visit with more than 20 exhibitors with info and services to benefit you and your family. We can’t wait! See you 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, April 5 at 2950 Roosevelt Ave.


  • Saturday, April 05, 2025


North Tri Community Center, 2950 Roosevelt Ave, Fort Worth 76106  View Map

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