Real Estate Division

The Real Estate Division has five sections including, Real Property, Real Property Sales, Lease Administration, Mineral Management and Lake Worth Lease Management. The function of each section includes:

Real Property Section

Real Property Section is responsible for acquiring land and property interest for the City of Fort Worth as it relates to capital improvement projects through offers, negotiations and administrative processes.

 Access the Real Property page


Real Property Sales Section

Real Property Sales Section oversees the sale of tax-foreclosed and city surplus properties.

  Access the Real Property Sales page

Lease Administration Section

Lease Administration Section is responsible for identifying properties, negotiating lease terms and rates for the City of Fort Worth use of private property, negotiating terms, rates and coordinating space planning with the Facilities Division for leasing of city-owned property.

Mineral Management Section

Mineral Management Section coordinates and manages oil and gas mineral management activities for the City of Fort Worth including revenue, leases, surface agreements, pipeline agreements and division orders.

Lake Worth Lease Management Section

Lake Worth Lease Management Section coordinates land management activities related to leases, licenses, sales and management of properties owned by the City of Fort Worth.

Access the Lake Worth Lease Management page