FY2015 Budget

This budget will raise more revenue from property taxes than last year’s budget by an amount of $24,027,058, which is a 6.3 percent increase from last year’s budget. The property tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year is $8,143,072.


Watch budget presentation from the Aug. 12, 2014, pre-council work session, or download a copy of the presentation slides(PDF, 1020KB).

City Council Record Vote

The members of the governing body voted on the adoption of the budget as follows:

For: Mayor Betsy Price; Mayor Pro tem Zim Zimmerman; Councilmembers Sal Espino, Danny Scarth, Gyna Bivens, Dennis Shingleton, Kelly Allen Gray and Ann Zadeh

Against: Councilmember Jungus Jordan

Present but abstained from voting: None

Absent: None

Municipal Property Tax Rates

The municipal property tax rates for the preceding fiscal year, and each municipal property tax rate that has been adopted or calculated for the current fiscal year, include:

Tax Rate Adopted FY2013-14 Adopted FY2013-14
Property Tax Rate  $0.855000   $0.855000
Effective Tax Rate  0.859693   0.828730 
Effective Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate  0.684707   0.649459 
Rollback Tax Rate  0.918583   0.880515 
Debt Rate  0.179100   0.179100 


Municipal Debt Obligations

The total amount of outstanding municipal debt obligations (including principal and interest) secured by property taxes is $1,049,860,850. Learn more about the city's debt obligations »(PDF, 220KB)

Download a pdf of this coversheet(PDF, 59KB).