The Lake Worth Vision Plan is the result of a planning process spanning two and a half years that engaged expert consultants, lakeshore residents, nearby property owners, nonprofit stakeholders, the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base and neighboring jurisdictions. The Lake Worth Vision Plan describes and depicts appropriate long range future land uses, development pattern and forms, and recreational uses and facilities on and around the lake.
The recommendations of the Lake Worth Vision Plan are based on the following four principles:
1) Protect and enhance Lake Worth’s water quality, natural beauty and recreational character
2) Develop Model Sustainable Communities in the Lake Worth area that create desirable places to live and work while enhancing livability of existing communities
3) Create Lake Worth Regional Park, a linear park that encompasses the lake and provides high-quality recreational amenities and cultural hubs
4) Connect communities, resources, and amenities with parkways, greenways and trails.
View the plan »(PDF, 11MB)