2050 Comprehensive Plan


We need your help to plan for the future of Fort Worth!

  • What would your Fort Worth be like in the year 2050? 
  • How can we make Fort Worth an even better place to live, work, and play?

The 2050 Comprehensive Plan will establish a shared vision for the City. It will determine the goals, objectives, strategies, and policies to ensure a high quality of life for all members of the community.

The new 2050 Comprehensive Plan will be the result of the creative efforts of the community to lay a successful foundation for the future of Fort Worth.

Community Engagement Opportunities

There will be many opportunities to participate, both in person and online.


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Sign up for emails and we’ll keep you updated on upcoming meetings and major announcements. If you have any questions or ideas, share them through the sign up form below or by emailing LongRangePlanning@fortworthtexas.gov

Frequently Asked Questions

We will add information here in response to questions received from the community. Please use the form above to submit questions!

What is the City’s Comprehensive Plan?

The Comprehensive Plan is the City of Fort Worth’s official guide for making decisions about growth and development. The Plan is a summary of the goals, objectives, policies, strategies, programs, and projects that will enable the city to achieve its mission of focusing on the future, working together to build strong neighborhoods, develop a sound economy, and provide a safe community. 

The Texas Local Government Code establishes the legal basis for the comprehensive plan. The code states that a municipality may adopt a comprehensive plan for long-range development. If a city adopts a comprehensive plan, it must be used as the basis of subsequent zoning amendments. The comprehensive plan is described as a plan for the orderly growth and development of the city and its environs. The plan should “facilitate the movement of people and goods, and the health, safety, and general welfare for the citizens of the city.” 

How does the City use the Comprehensive Plan?

The City uses the Comprehensive Plan as a guide for decisions when:

  • Creating functional plans, such as the Citywide Historic Preservation Plan, the Gateway Park Master Plan, and the Public Art Master Plan
  • Identifying budget priorities 
  • Preparing the capital improvement program 
  • Informing the annexation program 
  • Establishing development standards 
  • Reviewing zoning and subdivision cases 

What is the Future Land Use Map?

The Future Land Use Map is part of the Comprehensive Plan. The Future Land Use (FLU) Map determines appropriate locations for future uses, establishing the City’s vision for the placement of housing, employment, social activities, and protection of natural areas. Currently, the FLU Map uses 17 land use designations and three growth center types to provide guidance for new development and redevelopment, describing the typical mix of land uses and design characteristics that are desirable to create distinct areas of the city.

The map does not establish zoning district boundaries or regulations, nor guarantee that individual properties are suitable for the full range of design characteristics described within each designation. Land use decisions on individual properties should consider not only the Future Land Use Map, but also other Comprehensive Plan policies, the context of the surrounding area, and other individual site considerations that cannot be evaluated as part of the high-level policy guidance of the Comprehensive Plan. 

What is Zoning? What is the Zoning Ordinance?

Zoning is how the City regulates the land based on building height, parking requirements, landscape standards, etc. Zoning is a regulatory tool intended control the development and use of land. Zoning helps to implement the Future Land Use Map and the Comprehensive Plan for growth and development.


Source: City of Fort Worth Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 22: Development Regulations, page 5.

How is the Future Land Use Map different from Zoning?


The Future Land Use (FLU) Map within the Comprehensive Plan is an advisory document. It establishes desired future land use patterns and key community characteristics. The Future Land Use Map is a long-range plan intended to inform development decisions.

The Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance are regulatory documents. They determine what may currently legally be built on a property, and include development standards such as maximum building heights and required setbacks. Zoning helps to implement the Future Land Use Map and the Comprehensive Plan for growth and development.