Active Transportation Plan

What is Active Transportation?

Active transportation is a means of getting around that is achieved through human-powered mobility. This includes walking, cycling and using transit, as well as the needs of wheelchair users and other types of non-motorized mobility devices. Active transportation is an important element of Fort Worth’s mobility network, since it not only increases transportation choices but also supports healthy, active living.

The Fort Worth Active Transportation Plan was adopted on April 9, 2019. See the final presentation to the City Council Work Session on April 2, 2019.

Fort Worth Active Transportation Plan

Fort Worth’s goal is to develop a plan for a transportation system that provides multiple alternatives for travel. The Active Transportation Plan focused on walking and cycling, including connectivity between other modes such as transit. This plan integrated efforts such as the Walk Fort Worth and Bike Fort Worth plans, the Task Force on Race and Culture, trail planning, and coordination with the regional Transit Master Plan. The result is a unified citywide transportation network plan for people who walk, bike and use transit.

The Active Transportation Plan was a validation requirement for the Blue Zones Project, a community-wide well-being improvement initiative to help make healthy choices easier for everyone in Fort Worth.

Active Transportation Plan Objectives

The primary objectives of the Fort Worth Active Transportation Plan included the following:

  1. Identify the Active Transportation network for people who walk, use transit and bicycles, thereby creating a citywide seamless network of on- and off-street bicycle and pedestrian ways suitable for people of all ages and abilities 
  2. Identify appropriate level of comfort scores or metrics across the Active Transportation network
  3. Update the City’s Bike Fort Worth and Walk Fort Worth plans and develop a new comprehensive Trails Master Plan
  4. Develop guiding principles and criteria for evaluating network alternatives and for prioritizing funding and projects that include equity, health, safety, economic development and access
  5. Develop policies, performance targets and design guidelines
  6. Prioritize projects
  7. Develop an implementation and funding plan



Adopted Network

Download maps for the adopted network:

Adopted Plan

Download a copy of the Active Transportation Plan.(PDF, 16MB)

Download a copy of the Active Transportation Plan Executive Summary.(PDF, 3MB)

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Download copies of the appendices:

Additional Links

Previous Active Transportation Studies

Walk! Fort Worth

The Walk Fort Worth Pedestrian Transportation Plan aims to make walking around the city safer and more convenient. By replacing the short vehicle trips with pedestrian trips, Cowtown air will be measurably cleaner and the population healthier thanks to increased physical activity. If that isn't important enough, it also helps reduce congestion on our streets. Learn more »

Bike Fort Worth

The city's Bike Fort Worth plan sets a blueprint for improving the bicycle-friendliness of city streets through a system of dedicated lanes and traffic-calming roadway improvements. Learn more »



Kelly Porter

Assistant Director, TPW

Regional Transportation and Innovation Division 
