Garbage and Recycling This division serves as a role model for managing garbage, recycling, and waste reduction services for the residents of Fort Worth.
Stormwater Quality Environmental Quality is responsible for monitoring water quality in urban lakes, rivers, neighborhood creeks and storm drains.
Energy & Sustainability The City of Fort Worth is working to develop initiatives for energy and sustainability in pursuit of improved environmental performance.
Environmental Master Plan In 2019, the City of Fort Worth developed its first Environmental Master Plan in support of the city's pursuit of improved environmental performance.
Household Hazardous Waste Chemicals, detergents, petroleum products, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers are stormwater pollutants.
Keep Fort Worth Beautiful Keep Fort Worth Beautiful (KFWB) is an award-winning affiliate of Keep America Beautiful that has served our community for more than 40 years.
Litter The City of Fort Worth and its partners spend more than $8 million every year on litter removal, litter prevention and enforcement activities.
Recycling By reusing and recycling more, Fort Worth residents can have less trash and save space at the city landfill. But you have to recycle right!
Land Quality The City of Fort Worth works diligently to assess soil and groundwater contamination issues and determine the best course of action for reclaiming sites impacted by pollution.
Air Quality The City of Fort Worth Environmental Services Department operates in several ways to improve our city’s health and well-being with regard to the air that we breathe.