Fort Worth has more railroad grade crossings per capita than any other large city in Texas. Because of significant historical railroad developments dating back to the first railroad, the Texas & Pacific in 1876, today there are 193 grade crossings in the city. With the high amount of train activity and high number of grade crossings in Fort Worth, the city is committed to improving railroad crossing safety and developing new quiet zones.
Railroad Projects
The city has over 60 crossing improvement projects underway. These projects involve railroad signal crossing upgrades in conjunction with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), crossing surface projects, quiet zone projects, grade separations (bridges or underpasses), and other railroad crossing improvements. For further details, see the chart of CIP/Grant Railroad Projects(PDF, 15KB). City railroad grade crossing projects fall into the following categories:
- Railroad Crossing Signal Upgrades: Railroad Signals: The City of Fort Worth participates in the TxDOT railroad program to upgrade crossings that have only crossbuck signs with the installation of modern crossing signals and gates.
- Railroad Crossing Surface Upgrades: Staff evaluates crossings with poor roadway surfaces for the installation of smoother crossing surfaces.
- Quiet Zones: With suitable quiet zone devices in place, the locomotive’s horn does not have to be sounded. A quiet zone will improve the environmental qualities of a neighborhood. A crossing or a group of railroad crossings can qualify for a quiet zone if, in addition to modern crossing flashers and gates, specific additional devices(PDF, 112KB) are used to increase the safety of each crossing.
- Planning and Major Project Coordination: Many significant rail projects involving freight and commuter rail are underway. The Southwest-to-Northeast Rail Corridor(PDF, 112KB) (SW2NE) is the next extension of commuter rail in Tarrant County. Further, staff participates in the development and design efforts to promote future railroad crossings with good quiet zone, grade crossing, and rail design features, including the planning of bridges for major arterial roadways over railroad tracks.
For additional information on quiet zones, see the following:
Quiet Zone Info
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Contact Information
Tai Nguyen