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Sidewalk programs are coordinated through the Transportation Management Division within Transportation & Public Works. These programs include implementing sidewalk plans set out in the Active Transportation Plan (ATP), the Safe Routes to School program, and the Safe Routes to Transit program.
In April 2019, City Council adopted the Active Transportation Plan (ATP) to guide the priority implementation of citywide sidewalk gap projects. The plan prioritized filling 7,000+ sidewalk gaps (3,395 miles) with an estimated implementation cost of approximately $3.3B. The ATP ranks the 7,000+ gaps based on the criteria below.
Active Transportation Plan Prioritization Criteria
In FY 2020, TPW began ATP sidewalk gap implementation.
SRTS is a program that focuses on education and infrastructure enhancements that promote safe walking and biking to elementary and middle schools. The intent of the program is to increase students’ physical activity and improve unsafe walking and bicycling conditions while reducing the number of cars on the road. The program was created in 2005 through a federal transportation bill.
The City of Fort Worth places a high priority on providing sidewalks to facilitate safe walking to school. Bond programs are the primary mechanism for implementation of SRTS infrastructure enhancements. For the 2018 Bond, approximately 65,069 linear feet of sidewalks will be constructed for seven SRTS projects. Construction is underway and should be completed in Spring 2023.
2018 Bond School/Neighborhood Safety Category (SRTS)
Seven schools have been identified for 2022 Bond SRTS projects and are in the planning phase. Schools were identified based on proximity to the City’s Vision Zero High-Injury Network, pedestrian infrastructure needs, ATP prioritization, and opportunities to leverage funding from partner agencies.
2022 Bond School/Neighborhood Safety Category (SRTS)
The City coordinates with Trinity Metro to program and construct sidewalk connections to transit bus stops. Since FY 2020, approximately 14,000 linear feet of sidewalk gaps have been installed or programmed for construction.
Department Director: Lauren Prieur