
Warn Icon
One of the ways that the Stormwater Program accomplishes its mission to "Protect People and Property from Harmful Stormwater Runoff" is through WARNING the public and property owners of flooding and erosion hazards.


CITY NEWS fd-code red spring storms full.png



For more information about Code Red Alerts, visit fortworthtexas.gov/departments/emo/code-red-alerts.


Planning and Spotlight tab iconFlooding In Fort Worth

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All rivers, streams, tributaries, and ditches - regardless of size - have the potential to flood.  In Fort Worth, major sources of flooding include the...

  • Clear Fork Trinity River
  • West Fork Trinity River
  • Mary's Creek, Marine Creek
  • Village Creek, Dry Branch Creek
  • Big Fossil Creek, Big Bear Creek
  • Sycamore Creek
  • White's Branch.

Hazardous flooding away from larger creeks and channels is also frequent within the City as stormwater runoff drains from upstream areas toward larger streams and channels.

Flooding in Fort Worth is typically produced by heavy rainfall from frontal type storms that occur during the spring and fall months. Flash floods are the most common type of flooding in Fort Worth. Those flood events can happen near rivers but also in urban areas, mostly inside the 820 loop.

The City continues to provide citizens with additional tools to identify and mitigate flood risk with the goal of protecting people and property from harmful stormwater runoff before, during, and after a flood event.

The Stormwater Management Program

To learn more information, read the documents listed below.

Flood Awareness NewsletterStormwater Management Program Master PlanRunoff Rundown Newsletter

Planning and Spotlight tab iconFlood Warning System

High Water Warning Flashers (HWWS)

Graphic of Turn Around Stop when underwater light pole
Turn Around Don't Drown logo
Man standing in water with car submerged

Purposes and Objective

The flood warning system in Fort Worth, known as the High-Water Warning System (HWWS), relies on water level measurements made at approximately 55 low-water road crossings throughout the city. Roadside flashers immediately warn drivers of the flood hazard at these flood prone road crossings.

View High Water Warning Flasher Locations Map

Enhanced Text Alert

Rising flood water at these HWWS sites trigger automated alarms which are sent to first responders. First responders place barricades to prevent vehicles from entering flooded streets. Drivers should not go around barricades and drivers should safely turn around when the flashers go off. Weather data, including rainfall measurements prior to flooding, is collected at 39 low-water crossings and 28 weather stations. 

The Goals of the Flood Warning System

The Flood Warning System was developed through a Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) grant. The goals of the Flood Warning System project were:

Planning and Spotlight tab iconFlood Risk Information

Check If Your Property Is In a Floodplain or Non-FEMA Risk Area

Find out if your flood risk is low, moderate, or high before the next storm hits, so you can take steps to protect your home or business. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) publishes Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) which show the different flood zones that designate the risk.

To find your property, visit the One Address website and/or the Flood Risk Viewer and type in your address. You can also email floodplain@fortworthtexas.gov for assistance in determining flood risks or obtaining documents.

Due to the extensive reported flooding risks citywide outside of FEMA floodplains and the limited resources to help lessen these risks, a policy is necessary to provide city staff and the community with guidance for mapping, communication and regulating local flood risks. A Non-FEMA Flood Risk Area stakeholder working group was formed to help with guidance in forming a policy. For more information visit Non-FEMA Flood Risk Area.

Residents of Fort Worth can obtain flood information concerning flooding, flood maps, mandatory flood insurance purchase requirements, and flood zone determinations from the City of Fort Worth's Transportation & Public Works Department (Stormwater Management Division) located at City Hall or by calling 817-392-6261. 

Digital copies of Elevation Certificates (EC) for some properties are on file and available upon request by emailing floodplain@fortworthtexas.gov. If the City does not have an EC on file and one is needed for insurance or development purposes, you will need to hire a surveyor or engineer to complete it.

Real-time river gauge information is available through the National Weather Service.

Additional Flooding Information

Flood Safety Tips Information(PDF, 211KB)
 Flood Safety Tips
Flood Insurance Information(PDF, 267KB)
  Flood Insurance  
Flood Protection Assistance Information(PDF, 212KB)
     Flood Protection Assistance  

Planning and Spotlight tab iconHazard Road Overtopping (HROM)

The City of Fort Worth's Hazardous Road Overtopping Mitigation (HROM) Program is an ongoing effort to identify hazardous road locations due to flooding, prioritize them, and where feasible, develop solutions to make them safer. The HROM Program was created in response to life-threatening and fatal incidents associated with flooded roads, usually at stream crossings.

HROM Fact Sheet