Prieur has been with the City of Fort Worth since 2018. Prior to being named director, she served as the interim director and as the assistant director of capital delivery. She is a registered professional engineer, with more than 15 years of experience in infrastructure development, capital project delivery, transportation and public works-related projects with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Hall oversees the Business Support Division. The core service areas are business process management, contracts and records, fiscal management, fleet management and Human Resources and Safety training for all department staff.
The Stormwater Management Division aims to protect people and property from harmful storm water runoff. Prioritizing and monitoring drainage system maintenance and rehabilitation programs, planning and programming construction of projects to mitigate flood and erosion hazards, warning the community of flood and erosion hazards that cannot be mitigated in the short-term, and developing and updating regulatory standards to mitigate the risk of private property development creating or aggravating flood risk all happen with this division.
Streets and Stormwater Operations crews are responsible for pavement maintenance and storm water system maintenance. The Street Operations team is also responsible for coordinating winter response for over 8,100 lane miles of city roadways and more than 240 bridges.
The Capital Delivery Division is responsible for delivering over $315 million in capital improvement infrastructure such as arterials, traffic signals, sidewalks, intersection upgrades and bridges. Capital projects include new infrastructure as well as rehabilitation of existing systems. The Division provides inspection services for citywide construction activities, material testing, and survey services.
The Regional Transportation and Innovation Division is the long-range planning and project development arm of the department. This team works hand in hand with the Mayor's Urban Rail Committee to look at future growth and expansion in the city.
The Division is responsible for bringing a variety of activities together including regional coordination with the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and other local government partners, state and federal agency partnerships, including Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).
The Transportation Management Division is responsible for maintenance activities and response to approximately 28,000 service requests annually for street lights, traffic signals, utility locates, traffic signs, pavement markings, parking, and school and neighborhood traffic safety concerns. All Transportation Management activities support the City’s Vision Zero Program, which aims to eliminate traffic related fatalities and serious injuries in the City.