Transportation Planning

Transportation Engineering Manual

The requirements outlined in this manual provide standards and criteria for design of city streets and is applicable to all types of street construction, including appurtenances to streets such as sidewalks, streetlights, street signs, and electronic signals. View the manual here(PDF, 18MB)

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This page provides an overview of transportation planning projects underway in Fort Worth.

Master Thoroughfare Plan

The Master Thoroughfare Plan (MTP) is the long-range plan that identifies the location and type of roadway facilities that are needed to meet projected long-term growth within the city. Learn more »

Active Transportation Plan

Active transportation is a means of getting around that is achieved through human-powered mobility. This includes walking and bicycling, as well as the needs of wheelchair users and other types of non-motorized mobility devices, whether for everyday trips to work, shops and other destinations, or for recreational purposes. Learn more »

Complete Streets

Complete streets are operated and maintained to enable safe and comfortable access for people of all ages and abilities, including people who walk, bike, use transit or drive. Learn more »


Access Management

Collector Network Planning