Environmental Quality Environmental Quality is a division within the Code Compliance Department that provides city residents with programs, services and technical guidance in an effort to protect public health, properties and natural resources - safeguarding against pollution in the city's land, water and air.
Street Permits Download an application below for permit requirements and policies. Instructions for submitting applications are included on each form.
Floodplain Management and Regulations The City of Fort Worth is a beautiful place to live, work, and play thanks to the Trinity River and its floodplain. Learn more about flood safety, flood insurance, and development in the floodplain.
Flood Safety More people die each year from flooding than do from lightning, tornadoes, or hurricanes. Nearly half of all flash flood fatalities are vehicle-related.
Warn One of the ways that the Stormwater Program accomplishes its mission to "Protect People and Property from Harmful Stormwater Runoff" is through WARNING the public and property owners of flooding and erosion hazards.
Review One of the ways that the Stormwater Program accomplishes its mission to "Protect People and Property from Harmful Stormwater Runoff" is through REVIEWING development for compliance with City Stormwater standards.
Maintain One of the ways that the Stormwater Program accomplishes its mission to "Protect People and Property from Harmful Stormwater Runoff", is through MAINTAINING existing systems of pipes and channels to function as designed.
Improve One of the ways that the Stormwater Program accomplishes its mission to "Protect People and Property from Harmful Stormwater Runoff", is through IMPROVING drainage and reduce erosion through construction of projects.
Traffic Signals, Pavement Markings and Signs Traffic Markings, Signs and Signals Traffic signs and signals help control traffic to make intersections safer for all modes of transportation. TPW continually investigates signage needs citywide as well as installs temporary signs for special events as needed
Street Lights Transportation and Public Works is responsible for maintenance of 64,944 street lights and response to approximately 10,000 service requests annually.
Ground Transportation Office The Ground Transportation Office oversees taxicabs, shuttles, limousines and other for-hire passenger vehicles.
School Crossing Guard Program The City of Fort Worth currently provides crossing guard services to 12 districts with schools located within Fort City Limits.
Neighborhood Traffic Calming Traffic Calming is the use of physical design features to reduce automobile speeds or volumes in both residential and commercial areas.
Vision Zero Vision Zero is an internationally recognized strategy to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries.The City of Fort Worth is making big plans to Move a Million (M1M). The M1M Master Transportation Plan will unify all Fort Worth’s transportation-related plans into ONE VISION. The result will be a capital program tied to city policies and funding realities, grounded in the wants and needs.
Railroad Safety Program With 204 railroad grade crossings, more per capita than any other large city in Texas, the city is committed to improving railroad crossing safety and developing new quiet zones.
Transportation Planning This page provides an overview of transportation planning projects underway in Fort Worth.
Master Thoroughfare Plan The Master Thoroughfare Plan (MTP) is the long-range plan that identifies the location and type of roadway facilities that are needed to meet projected long-term growth within the city. Learn more »
Active Transportation Plan Active transportation is a means of getting around that is achieved through human-powered mobility.