Industrial and Commercial Wastewater Requirements

 Any industrial or commercial facility that discharges wastewater into the City of Fort Worth’s wastewater collection system is required to be in compliance with federal, state, and local effluent limitations and pretreatment standards. Compliance is required whether or not the facility has been issued a wastewater permit.


Step 1.Who needs a wastewater permit?

The City of Fort Worth’s Industrial Wastewater Ordinance requires the following industrial facilities to obtain a wastewater permit prior to discharging process wastewater into the sanitary sewer system:

  • Significant industrial users (SIUs)
  • Ground water remediation dischargers
  • Any other non-domestic source that the City determines may have an adverse impact on the system

New facilities must submit a permit application to Pretreatment Services at least 90 days prior to commencing discharge of process wastewater. The City requires all new facilities to install an “end of pipe” sampling location that meets the City’s specifications. Other sampling locations may be needed to meet federal pretreatment requirements. New facilities are urged to contact Pretreatment Services prior to construction/startup for more information.

Existing facilities are required to submit a permit application to Pretreatment Services at least 90 days prior to the expiration date of their current permit. Wastewater discharge permits may be transferred to a new owner or operator only if the permittee gives at least 30 days advance notice. The notice must include a written certification by the new owner/operator which:

  • States that the new owner/operator has no immediate intent to change the facilities operations and processes.
  • Identifies the specific date on which the transfer is to occur.
  • Acknowledges full responsibility for complying with the existing wastewater discharge permit.

Pretreatment Services has the right to deny a permit transfer for any reason. Any industrial/commercial facility that discharges wastewater into the City of Fort Worth’s sanitary sewer system is required to be in compliance with federal, state, and local effluent limitations and pretreatment standards. Compliance is required whether or not the facility has been issued a wastewater permit.

Step 2.What are Significant Industrial Users (SIUs)?

SIUs are commercial/industrial facilities that the EPA and the TCEQ require the City of Fort Worth to permit and regulate. The general pretreatment regulations (40CFR Part 403) define a SIU as a facility that meets any of these criteria:

  • A facility subject to categorical pretreatment standards as defined in 40 CFR Parts 405-471.
  • A facility that discharges 25,000 gallons per day or more of process wastewater into the sanitary sewer.
  • A facility that contributes a process waste stream which makes up 5 percent or more of the average dry weather hydraulic or organic capacity of the City’s wastewater treatment plant.
  • Any other facility that the City believes has a reasonable potential for adversely affecting the sewer system and the wastewater treatment plant’s operation, or for violating any pretreatment standard or requirement.

Step 3.Permit Requirements

The wastewater permit issued to each facility will have the following conditions:

  • Statement of duration, not to exceed five years from the effective date of the permit.
  • Statement of non-transferability without meeting the conditions listed above.
  • Wastewater effluent limits based on applicable general pretreatment standards in 40 CFR Part 403, categorical pretreatment standards, local limits, and State and City law.
  • Self-monitoring, sampling, reporting, notification, and record keeping requirements.
  • List applicable civil and criminal penalties for violations of pretreatment standards and requirements, as well as any applicable compliance schedule.

Each industrial facility is strongly urged to read its wastewater permit and understand all provisions within it. Failure to follow the requirements of a permit is a violation of the City Ordinance and may subject violators to enforcement actions, including penalties of up to $2,000 per violation per day.


Grease/Grit Traps

The City requires some commercial facilities to install and maintain grease or grit traps. These include:

  • Food Service Establishments
  • Commercial Laundries & Laundromats
  • Vehicle Washing Facilities
  • Automotive Repair Facilities

In order to protect the collection system (sanitary sewer) and the wastewater treatment plant, the City has the right to require any commercial facility that it deems necessary to install and maintain grease or grit traps. For more information on grease and grit traps please refer to the City’s Grease Abatement web page.

Code of Management Practice for Silver Dischargers

On October 1, 2000, the City of Fort Worth implemented the Code of Management Practices(PDF, 39KB)  (CMP) for Silver Dischargers. This program is administered by Pretreatment Services. Please use the contact information below for more information on the CMP program.