Pretreatment Program Update

Upcoming Training Opportunities

None at this time.

Pretreatment Quarterly Newsletter

The Pretreatment Quarterly Newsletter(PDF, 287KB) contains important pretreatment information, regulatory updates, and pollution prevention topics.

Substantial Program Modification

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revised the 40 CFR 403 on October 12, 2005, called the “Pretreatment Streamlining Rule”. City of Fort WOrth has drafted the final Pretreatment Streamlining RUle modifications into the City’s approval pretreatment program and submitted the package according to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) instructions provided for the City’s pretreatment program. TCEQ is in the final stages approving the submission, the TCEQ will send a letter to the City with instructions on the 30 day comment period as part of the TPDES permit’s public notice requirements. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will have 45 days to comment. After the public notice and comment period have expired and any received comments have been addressed, the substantial modifications will be incorporated into the City’s TPDES permit by reference.

Contact Information

Please contact Pretreatment Services for any questions regarding program updates.

Pretreatment Services
920 Fournier Street Fort Worth, TX 76102
Office: 817-871-8305
Fax: 817-871-8566
