SmartFlush Commercial Program

Fort Worth commercial customers can now get free high efficiency toilets for their business. The target is high volume users with multiple toilets on site including apartments, hotels, nursing facilities, etc.

The program offers residential tank style toilets in round, elongated and ADA. All toilets are available in white. Elongated and ADA toilets will be distributed to replace existing models of the same style only.

If you are looking for ways to reduce water use at your property, this is a smart way to save with every flush. We provide the toilets, and you simply have associated labor for installation. Please note, toilets are issued until budgeted funds are depleted.


  • Be a Fort Worth water customer;
  • Property must have been built prior to 1994; and
  • Property must have existing high flow toilets over 3 gallons per flush (gpf). Retrofitted toilets that are 1.6 gpf do not qualify for replacement.

What You Can Expect

  • If you meet the qualifications above, Water Conservation staff will schedule a preliminary site inspection.
  • If approved and you have requested less than 10 toilets, you will be mailed a voucher to pick up the toilets from the supplier.
  • If you request more than 10 toilets, we will work with you to deliver the toilets in incremental allotments. Once the first allotment is installed, the next allotment will be delivered.
  • It is requested that toilets be installed within 60 days. Once allotments are completed, a follow-up inspection will be conducted by Water staff.

For more information, you can view our Frequently Asked Questions. If you are ready to sign up, you can apply online or download an application(PDF, 28KB) and follow the instructions for submittal.