Bill Assistance Program

  • Unforeseen life events can have short-term impact on customers. Fort Worth is willing to work with customers on payments plans when these circumstances arise. Call the Water Contact Center at 817-392-4477 to discuss this with a representative. Failure to comply with agreed payment plans can result in water service disconnection.
  • The utility also refers customers to community organizations for assistance with having their bills paid, when that is the best solution. The decision whether to provide financial assistance is made by that outside organization.
  • The SmartRepair Program offers no-cost repair of minor plumbing leaks for eligible low-income homeowners, reducing wasted water and lowering high water bills to keep essential water service accessible and affordable for all residents. Learn more
  • The SmartFlush program provides free water-efficient toilets to replace replaces old high water use toilets for eligible customers. Learn more

Life Support Dependent on Water 

The City of Fort Worth Water Utility attempts to maintain a record of customers who have medical equipment that requires the use of water. The purpose of this process is to restore water service to such customers as soon as the situation reasonably permits.

** A life Support Dependent Customer is defined as a person who has been prescribed by a physician licensed by the State of Texas as a Medical Doctor or a Doctor of Osteopathy, a water device and /or equipment designated specifically to sustain that person’s life.

Persons having a need to be designated as Life Support Dependent Customers should:

  • download the form,(PDF, 107KB)
  • complete the customer portion,
  • have their doctor complete the physician’s portion, and
  • mail it to Fort Worth Water, PO Box 870, Fort Worth, TX 76101.

This form expires one year from the date of physician’s signature.