Permit Required
Liquid waste haulers must also register with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality before permitting with the city.
The water utility maintains a list of permitted transporters(PDF, 95KB) that are allowed to haul liquid wastes within the City of Fort Worth. The types of liquid wastes include grease, grit, septic tank, and chemical toilet wastes. A transporter must apply for a permit by submitting a Liquid Waste Hauler Permit Application(PDF, 153KB) before hauling grease interceptor waste, grit trap waste, septic tank waste or chemical toilet waste.
Generally liquid waste hauler permits are issued with durations of one year (Jan. 1 through Dec. 31) and require an annual inspection. A fee is assessed for each permit. Transporters who fail to obtain a permit may be subject to penalties of up to $2,000 per violation per day. All permitted vehicles must display the city issued Fort Worth Permit Sticker at the one o’clock position on the back of the tank (the sticker shows the permitted year and city logo). Specific requirements for waste haulers can be viewed in Chapter 12.5 of the City Code.
Reporting and Record Keeping Requirements
All regulated wastes must be manifested on city-issued, five-part Scantron Trip Tickets using the business identification number to track the manifested waste for each facility before removal from facilities. Liquid waste trip tickets must be purchased from Pretreatment Services Section with an appointment. Failure to properly report and maintain records is a violation may subject the violators to penalties of up to $2,000 per violation per day.
List of business ID numbers by street number and street name (in ascending order)(PDF, 2MB)
Liquid Waste Disposal
Permitted transporters who wish to dispose of septage/chemical toilet wastes at the Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility must first sign and submit an Agreement for Disposal of Liquid Waste(PDF, 29KB) . The Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility is located at 4500 Wilma Lane, Arlington, TX 76012. The plant does NOT accept grease, grit, or any other type of hauled waste. Hauled wastes disposed at the Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility are randomly sampled by the City of Fort Worth.
Failure to properly dispose of any type of hauled waste is a violation of the City Ordinance and may subject the violators to penalties of up to $2,000 per violation per day and may result in a revoked permit. If you witness or have knowledge of any illegal dumping activities, please contact us at the number below.