An assistant city manager focuses primarily on organizational issues so that the city manager can focus more on external issues.
Burghdoff oversees the Library, Code Compliance, Good Natured Green Space. Park & Recreation, Neighborhood Services departments. She also serves as City liaison for the Central City/Panther Island project and New City Hall move.
Valerie Washington serves as Assistant City Manager for the City of Fort Worth. Her current portfolio includes Property Management, Environmental Services, Aviation & Office of the Medical Director.
Jesica McEachern serves as Assistant City Manager for the City of Fort Worth. McEachern's current portfolio includes Economic Development, Public Events, Development Services, Transportation & Public Works and Water Department.
William Johnson serves as Assistant City Manager for the City of Fort Worth. His current portfolio includes Police, Fire, Municipal Court, Emergency Management and 911.
Richard Zavala serves as Interim Assistant City Manager for the City of Fort Worth. His current portfolio includes Human Resources, Information and Technology Solutions, Intergovernmental Relations and CMO Admins.