Provide your input for first Urban Forest Master Plan

Published on December 22, 2022

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The City of Fort Worth and the Texas Trees Foundation are creating the first Fort Worth Urban Forest Master Plan.

Why it matters: This marks the City’s forward thinking in protecting, expanding and managing green infrastructure. Forests in urban areas generate a significant value over time and provide critical physical, social, economic and environmental benefits that make cities more sustainable and resilient.

The Urban Forest Master Plan will evaluate current urban forest resources and City policies and ordinances relative to the urban forest. It will provide tools for urban forest managers to preserve, care for and grow the city’s forest resources more effectively and will include methods to measure progress.

Goals for the plan

  • Identify priority planting and preservation areas.
  • Identify strategic partners interested in investing in urban forest growth.
  • Creating a centralized vision for the urban forest.

The Urban Forest Master Plan will be a long-term plan to maximize the benefits of the urban forest now and in the future.

How to get involved: Resident feedback is crucial to the success of this project. The City of Fort Worth and Texas Trees Foundation invite residents to a virtual workshop to discuss the community’s vision, values and preferences related to urban trees. Feedback received from this process will help guide the plan.

The workshop will be conducted from 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12. RSVP.

Residents can also provide feedback by taking a brief survey, which closes at the end of February 2023.

Learn more.



Photo: A new master plan will provide tools for urban forest managers to preserve, care for and grow forest resources.



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