Construction now underway at Future City Hall site

Published on July 20, 2022

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As Mayor Mattie Parker is fond of saying, “It’s go time!”

And that especially relates to the Future City Hall building at 100 Energy Way. In fact, if your morning commute takes you down Forest Park Boulevard, you may have noticed that construction fencing has gone up at the site.

The fencing represents the start of critical site and landscape work in preparation for later phases of construction.

As part of a goal to transform the way city services are delivered in Fort Worth, the City purchased the former Pier 1 building, with the goal of bringing 22 departments from 14 buildings into the site. The site will include a new one-stop shop for resident-facing services, including development and permitting activities, water customer service and more.

Over the last year, the Future City Hall team has been hard at work completing critical building updates, including a full roof replacement with 20 sections of roofing, IT infrastructure updates and beyond. The team has also worked with City staff, elected officials and Fort Worth residents to complete multiple rounds of programming and design elements for the tower, the site, new council chambers and parking expansion to best meet the goals of the City.

With programming and design nearing completion, the existing building is slated to undergo a number of changes starting this fall to support a welcoming and functional space for municipal government.

The site changes will also include a new City Council Chamber facility, which will be home to future Council meetings and a number of boards and commissions. Watch City News for more details on the Council Chamber groundbreaking event on Sept. 15..

The wonderful greenspace and site itself are undergoing a transformation to create a “front lawn” of City Hall. This area will play host to citywide events, walking trails and a number of other functions.

Project completion is scheduled for the first quarter of 2024.

In addition to monthly – at least – communications in City News, residents can also learn about the new facility by emailing questions. Many of these questions and answers will appear in future communications with residents.


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Photos: Top: Greenspace surrounding Future City Hall will be transformed into a “front lawn” for community activities. Above: A new Council Chamber wing will extend from the tower to the north. Designs are currently being considered. The site plan calls for plenty of space to encourage resident engagement with municipal government.



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