Facing yard debris after the rains? Here’s how to deal with it

Published on August 24, 2022

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With higher-than-normal amounts of debris to be collected after this week’s rains and floods, the City reminds residents to follow a few simple guidelines for efficient and effective collections.

Drop-off stations

The City has four drop-off stations available for residents to dispose of tree limbs, brush, litter and related items. Drop-off stations are open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays; closed Sundays. A current driver’s license or Fort Worth water bill is needed for proof of residency.

These locations are excellent resources for residents who need to dispose of excess materials.

Downed tree limbs and brush

The City of Fort Worth recycles all tree, brush and yard trimmings as compost, so mixing bulk waste and brush/yard trimmings is against the rules. Follow these tips when setting out debris.

  • Cut and stack tree limbs in one organized row or pile at the curb. The pile cannot be larger than 10 cubic yards – roughly the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.
  • For weekly collections, tree limbs should be cut shorter than 8 feet in length and less than 4 inches in diameter and less than 10 cubic yards.
  • Tree limbs larger than 4 inches in diameter or 8 feet in length should be stacked separately from small limbs/brush and will be collected on your assigned bulk week.
  • If your pile of material is larger than the size of a Volkswagen Beetle, consider using a City drop-off station to dispose of debris.
  • All materials should be placed at the curb before 7 a.m. Monday of your assigned bulk week and left until the material has been collected, in case crews are delayed.

Service updates

After storm events, Code Compliance staff members assist city departments in clearing rights-of-way and assessing the extent of storm damage and any resulting materials. If the volume of storm debris is too much for regular collection, schedule changes may be announced.

To receive information as soon as possible, download the City of Fort Worth Garbage and Recycling appIf there are collection delays, collection information will be forwarded to residents as quickly as possible.

Any service delays will be posted on the City of Fort Worth website.

Other collection needs

For additional questions or help resolving disposal issues, contact the City’s Call Center at 817-392-1234.


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Photo: For weekly collections, tree limbs should be cut shorter than 8 feet long and less than 4 inches in diameter. Paper yard bags are another option for smaller amounts of yard debris.


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