This Fort Worth Water capital improvement project encompasses the replacement of cast iron water mains, as well as the replacement of sewer mains.
This is a City of Fort Worth Water Capital Project Delivery cast iron water main replacement project. Sewer lines will also be replaced in the streets, alleys and easements.
The project area is bound by Brentwood Stair Road to the north, Meadowbrook Golf Course to the east, Normandy Road to the south, and Montclair Drive to the west.
Cast iron water mains will be replaced in:
Water and Sewer Main Replacements
Sewer Only Replacement
This project is in City of Fort Worth Council District 11. Construction will impact the Central Meadowbrook neighborhood association area.
Kemble Street at Watson Street, Fort Worth 76103 View Map
Kemble Street at Watson Street , Fort Worth 76103
map-central-meadowbrook-area-cast-iron-water-main-and-sewer-main-replacements.pdf(PDF, 3MB)