Clear Fork Lift Station and Force Main

  • Project typeWater and Wastewater Improvements
  • Project value$19,591,570.00
Water & Sanitary Sewer Imrpovements

This project has two parts – a lift station and a force main.


The force main is part of the process to eliminate repeated sanitary sewer overflows near the intersection of University Drive and Rosedale Street.


The existing sanitary sewer and wastewater collection system in the Clear Fork corridor is undersized from the University Drive/IH 30 intersection to Forest Park Boulevard at 5th Street.


There are currently two collector mains – 48-inches to 54-inches in diameter - that parallel the Clear Fork of the Trinity River from University Drive downstream through Trinity Park then connects to the deep tunnel sewers in downtown Fort Worth.


This force main is 30-inches in diameter. The force main and lift station will work together to handle both normal and peak flow conditions. 


This capital improvement project is in Council District 9 and Council District 3. Construction may impact the Fort Worth Downtown Alliance. 


The contractor is using horizontal directional drilling - trenchless construction method - to install a 30-inch in diameter sanitary sewer force main to serve the Clear Fork area.


Trenchless construction – when necessary - is used to install pipes underground without disturbing the ground surface. The drill is launched from one end of the bore path and retrieved at the other end, and except for the launch and retrieving spaces above ground, the entire process takes place underground and out of sight.


Part 2 - installation of the force main through the Chateau at  Forest Park event venue parking lot on North Forest Park Boulevard  - will start in late fall. The contractor plans on returning to Parkview - at the location of the bore pit - to install a manhole and continue the installation. Part 2 will be open cut trench construction. It is anticipated that construction on Parkview in Part 2 should be finished in less than a week.


Project Meeting

Project Update












3501 Mopac Road, Fort Worth 76107  View Map

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