Forest Park & Mistletoe Area Sewer & Cast Iron Water Main Replacements

  • Project typeWater and Wastewater Improvements
Water & Sanitary Sewer Imrpovements


This Fort Worth Water capital improvement project has two parts, in two Fort Worth City Council districts.

The first part is the Forest Park and Mistletoe Area Sewer and Cast Iron Water Main Replacements project.

  • Part 1 is in Fort Worth Council District 9.


The second part is Rogers Road.

  • This segment is in Fort Worth Council District 3.


Part 1 – Forest Park and Mistletoe Area Sewer and Cast Iron Water Main Replacement

This is a water and sanitary sewer main replacement project. Several of the water segments are cast iron. That is noted next to the segment.

This Fort Worth Water capital improvement project is bound by West Rosedale Street to the north, Park Place Avenue to the south, Fort Worth Western Railroad to the east, and Buck Avenue to the west.

If a segment has an asterisk in front of  the listing, that means that the water main is in an inaccessible easement, at the rear of the residence. The water main will be relocated to the public right-of-way, as depicted as hash marks on the project map.



Water and Sewer Main Replacements

  • Forest Park Boulevard from West Rosedale Street to Park Place Avenue/cast iron water main
  • * Easement between Harrison Avenue and Mistletoe Avenue from Buck Avenue to Forest Park Boulevard


Water Main Replacements

  • West Rosedale Street South from Forest Park Boulevard to Jerome Street - cast iron
  • Jerome Street from West Rosedale Street, then south 540 feet
  • Irwin Street from Forest Park Boulevard to Jerome Street - cast iron
  • * Easement between Irwin Street and Mistletoe Boulevard from Forest Park Boulevard to Jerome Street  - cast iron
  • * Easement between Mistletoe Boulevard and West Magnolia Avenue from Buck Avenue to Forest Park Boulevard - cast iron
  • * Easement between West Magnolia Avenue and Harrison Avenue from Buck Avenue and Forest Park Boulevard - cast iron
  • Mistletoe Avenue from Mistletoe Drive to Jerome Street – cast iron at Forest Park Boulevard intersection
  • * Easement between Mistletoe Avenue and Edwin Street from Mistletoe Drive to Jerome Street - cast iron
  • * Easement between West Rosedale Street and Irwin Street from Forest Park Boulevard and Jerome Street 
  • Edwin Street from Mistletoe Drive, then east
  • Mistletoe Drive/Weatherbee Street from Edwin Street to Berkeley Place – cast iron
  • * Easement between Edwin Street and Mistletoe Drive/Weatherbee Street from Berkeley Place to the west  - cast iron
  • Park Place Avenue from Forest Park Boulevard to Warner Road – cast iron
  • West Rosedale Street South from Forest Park Boulevard to Jerome Street – cast iron
  • North of right - of-way line of West Rosedale Street from Forest Park Boulevard, then west 225 feet – cast iron


Sewer Main Replacement

  • Easement south of Mistletoe Drive from Forest Park Boulevard, then to the west
  • Easement west of Forest Park Boulevard from 300 feet west of the West Rosedale Street South/Forest Park Boulevard intersection, then north 185 feet

Part 1 of the project will impact the Mistletoe Heights and Berkley Place neighborhood associations.



Part 2 - Council District 3

  • Rogers Road from Riverfront Drive to the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way – water and sewer main replacement
  • The 8-inch diameter water line in this segment is cast iron.


Project Meeting


Project News



Harrison Avenue at Forest Park Boulevard, Fort Worth 76110  View Map

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