Four Districts Water and Sewer Improvements

  • Project typeWater and Wastewater Improvements
  • Project value$2,016,367.00
Water & Sanitary Sewer Imrpovements

Water and sewer mains will be replaced in an area that spans four city council districts. The affected streets and easements include:

Council District 2 - Map 1

  • Jasper Street from Decatur Avenue to Weber Street (water and sewer)


Council District 5 - Map 2

  • Easement north of John T White Road from John T White Road to 530 feet north, then northeast 900 feet to  Wildbriar Court East (sewer)

Council District  5 - Map 3

  • Halbert Street from Martha Lane to Ellis Road (water and sewer) 
  • Meadowbrook Drive from 400 feet east of the Meadowbrook Drive/Mims Street intersection to 1,300 feet west (sewer)


Council District 8 - Map 4

  • East Magnolia Avenue from 300 feet east of the Mansfield Avenue/East Magnolia Avenue intersection to west 640 feet (sewer)
  • Mansfield Avenue from Rosedale Street to  East Morphy  Street (water)
  • Alley between Morphy Street and East Magnolia Avenue from Milano Street to Mansfield Avenue (sewer)


Council District 11 - Map 5

  • South Main Street from Bowie Street to Berry Street (water and sewer)
  • South Main Street from Berry Street to 760 feet south (water and sewer)


This capital improvement project impacts the United Communities Association, Worth Heights, Neighborhoods of East Fort Worth, Ryanwood neighborhood association, Inter-District 2 Alliance and the Diamond Hill-Jarvis neighborhood association.

During the design phase of this project, the improvements were in five council districts. Those boundaries changed with the redistricting in 2023. 


Project Meeting

Project News