Lake Arlington Lift Station

  • Project typeWater and Wastewater Improvements
  • Project value$35,729,361
Water & Sanitary Sewer Imrpovements

*** Construction on the Lake Arlington Lift Station is complete. But Part 1 and Part 2 of the Lake Arlington Force Main are still under construction. ***


When it rains, the Village Creek wastewater system can experience sanitary sewer overflows, or wet weather overflows. This happens when untreated sewage in the city’s underground sewer main overflows and raw sewage is released.


A lift station is used to pump wastewater or sewage from a lower level or elevation to a higher level. The future proposed Lake Arlington force main would then move the wastewater or sewage from the homes, businesses and property to the Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility, also known as a wastewater treatment plant.


The Lake Arlington Lift Station is being constructed on a site located north of Freeman Drive, south of the city of Forest Hill and west of the city of Kennedale. The lift station is one part of a three-part project that includes a 7-mile long 42-inch in diameter force main.

  • Part 1 of the force main starts at the lift station and ends east of the Cravens Rd and Berry Street intersection. It is approximately 4.76 miles in length.
  • Part 2 of the force main picks up at the Cravens Road and Berry Street intersection and extends to just south of Rosedale Street. It is approximately 2.21 miles in length.
  • Part 3 is the lift station. The construction just north of Freeman Drive, south of I-20 and east of Anglin Drive, is complete.


The lift station and force main will increase the sanitary sewer capacity to handle projected growth which includes the Tarleton campus as well as the wholesale cities of Burleson and Crowley. This system will be constructed along the west shore of Lake Arlington and will move those peak flows to existing wastewater collection lines located north of Lake Arlington.


The lift station is in Fort Worth Council District 8.

Project Meeting

Project Update


Freeman Drive, Fort Worth 76140  View Map

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