Update/April 22, 2022
In order to benefit from the requested Mistys Run Sewer extension project, residents must pay the sewer impact and tap fees by Friday, September 30, 2022.
- The total – if paid by September 30 – for the sewer impact fee and tap fee is $2,886.75.
The sewer impact fee is charged to help offset new or increased demands that require additional capacity improvements on existing wastewater systems.
- The sewer impact fee is $161 per domestic meter if your property has a 5/8-inch x3/4 inch meter and has not been re-platted since 1982.
The sewer tap fee is charged for installing the service line from the public sewer main to the property line. The property owner “taps in” to the city’s service line at their property line.
- The sewer tap fee is based on the contractor’s bid, which is $2,725.75.
If you do not pay the sewer tap fee before construction ends a different tap fee will apply since the fee will not be based on the contractor’s bid. The future tap fee will be higher than the fee that was established by the contractor’s bid.
See the full letter under the Related Information tab to the right.