Morningside and Glencrest Area Water and Sewer Improvements

  • Project typeWater and Wastewater Improvements
  • Project value$2,425,962.00
Water & Sanitary Sewer Imrpovements

Existing water and sewer mains will be replaced in two areas that are bound by Marion Avenue to the north, Glen Garden Avenue to the east, Wyatt Court to the south and I-35W/Blue Star Memorial Highway to the west. 

The affected area includes:

  • Marion Avenue from Evans Avenue to New York Avenue (water);
  • Marion Avenue from Mississippi Avenue to 175 feet east of Beverly Avenue (water);
  • Easement between Marion Avenue and Mulkey Street from Mississippi Avenue to the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way (sewer);
  • Easement north of East Morningside Drive from Evans Avenue to New York Avenue (sewer);
  • Easement between Colvin Avenue and East Morningside Drive from Mississippi Avenue to the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way (sewer);
  • Easement between East Morningside Drive and Judd Street from Evans Avenue to New York Avenue (sewer); 
  • Old Mansfield Road from East Berry Street to Wyatt Court (water);
  • Northglen Drive from Blackwell Lane to Heather Trail (water and sewer);
  • Heather Trail from Northglen Drive to Robert Burns Drive (water);
  • Ridgeview Street from Rolling Hills Drive to Old Mansfield Road (water and sewer);
  • Briardale Road from South Riverside Drive to Ridgeview Street (water and sewer);
  • Easement between Briardale Road and Ridgeview Street from South Riverside Drive to 376 feet northeast (sewer);
  • Easement north of Briardale Road from 200 feet northwesterly of Briardale Road to 350 feet northeasterly (sewer);
  • Easement between Ridgeview Street and Kingsdale Drive from Rolling Hills Drive to 318 feet northeasterly (sewer);
  • Easement east of Ellis Ranch Trail from Briardale  Road to 470 feet southeast then 312 feet east (sewer);
  • Easement between Stardust Lane and Old Mansfield Road from Ridgeview Street to 480 feet south (sewer);
  • Stardust Lane from Ridgeview Street to Lollita Court (water and sewer);
  • Lollita Court from Stardust Lane to the cul-de-sac (water); 
  • Annglen Drive from Old Mansfield Road to Glen Garden Avenue (water and sewer);
  • Wyatt Court from Old Mansfield Road to the cul-de-sac ( water and sewer);
  • Easement east of South Riverside Drive from Briardale Road to 200 feet northeasterly (sewer). 


This capital improvement project is in Fort Worth Council District 8. Construction impacts the United Communities Association of South Fort Worth, Morningside Neighborhood Association and the Glencrest Civic League.

Project Meeting

Fort Worth Water is hosting a WebEx virtual community design meeting on Monday, June 26, for the Morningside and Glencrest Area Water and Sewer Improvement project. The virtual meeting starts at 6 p.m.

Go to and click on “Join a Meeting” at the top of the page. Enter the meeting code: 2551 390 4386, and password 103417. Then click on “Join Meeting” again. The phone-in number is 469-210-7159.

Morningside and Glencrest Area Water and Sewer Improvements – Welcome to the City of Fort Worth (



Project News



South Riverside Drive at East Berry Street, Fort Worth 76119  View Map

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