Existing sewer mains and water mains will be replaced in an area bound by 38th Street to the north, Decatur Avenue to the east, 34th Street to the south and Main Street/Business 287 to the west. Fort Worth Meacham International Airport is north of the project area.
This project area includes homes, businesses, churches and the H.V. Helbing Elementary School.
The project includes the following streets and easements:
The capital improvements are in Fort Worth Council District 2.
Construction will impact the Diamond Hill-Jarvis neighborhood association, Inter-District 2 Alliance and the Far Greater Northside Historical neighborhood association.
NE 36th Street at N Crump Street, Fort Worth 76106 View Map
NE 36th Street at N Crump Street , Fort Worth 76106
April 2027
map-northside-area-38th-street-to-34th-street-water-and-sewer-improvements.pdf(PDF, 4MB)
English-Council-District-2-Design-Open-House-104607-104608-104609-104610-104611-Aug-26-2024-PowerPoint.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
Spanish-Council-District-2-Design-Open-House-104607-104608-104609-104610-104611-Aug-26-2024-PowerPoint.pdf(PDF, 7MB)