North Side Area Sewer Main and Cast Iron Water Main Replacements

  • Project typeWater and Wastewater Improvements
Water & Sanitary Sewer Imrpovements

Existing water mains - and one sewer main - will be replaced in an area that is bound by Rock Island Street to the north, I-35W to the east, NW 21st Street to the south, and Azle Avenue to the west. This project spans multiple areas as depicted on the maps in the sidebar.


Cast iron water mains will be replaced in:

  • Rock Island Street
  • NW 27th Street
  • NW 28th Street
  • West Long Avenue
  • Rosen Avenue
  • Pearl Avenue
  • NW 23rd Street


Water and sewer mains will be replaced in:

  • NW 27th Street from Pearl Avenue to Roosevelt Avenue


Map 2  - water mains will be replaced in:

  • Rock Island Street from NW 28th Street to NW 27th Street
  • NW 27th Street from Macie Avenue to Robinson Street
  • NW 28th Street from Macie Avenue to Robinson Street
  • West Long Avenue from NW 30th Street to NW 28th Street
  • NW 27th Street from Hanna Avenue to West Long Avenue (cast iron and ductile iron water mains)
  • NW 28th Street from Rosen Avenue to Hanna Avenue
  • Rosen Avenue from NW 28th Street to the Northside Pump Station


Map 3

NW 27th  Street from Pearl  Avenue to  Roosevelt Avenue

  • Cast iron water main and sewer main replacement

Pearl Avenue from NW 22nd Street to NW 28th Street

  • Cast iron water main replacement

NE 23rd Street from Loving Avenue to Mule Alley Drive

  • Cast iron water main replacement

North Commerce Street from NE 21st Street to NE 23rd Street

  • Cast iron water main replacement

NE 22nd Street from North Commerce Street to North Main Street

  • Cast iron water main replacement


Map 4

Decatur Avenue from Brennan Avenue to the Samuels Avenue/NE 23rd Street intersection  (water)

Neal Street from Peak Street to Decatur  Avenue (water)

Peak Street from Brennan Avenue  to Neal Street (water)

Brennan  Avenue from Cold Springs Road to Peak Street (water)

Cold Springs Road from Warfield Avenue to the West Fork of the Trinity River (water)


The City of Fort Worth  Water Department has routinely placed cast iron water distribution lines as part of water replacement/rehabilitation projects and, in support of street bond (street rehabilitation) projects. Due to the significant impact of a large diameter main break on the water system, along with severe street damage and flooding resulting from large cast iron (16-inch in diameter and larger) water main breaks, the department is placing a high priority on replacement of large diameter cast iron water transmission mains. 


This project is in Fort Worth Council District 2. Construction will impact the Far Greater Northside Historical neighborhood association, North Side neighborhood association, and Diamond Hill-Jarvis neighborhood association.


Landmarks include the Fort Worth Stockyards, the Fort Worth Fire Station #15, North Tri-Ethnic Community Center, Northside Community Center, Northside Library, WJ Turner Elementary School, Dolores Huerta Elementary School, Sam Rosen Elementary School, Jara Elementary  School and JP Elder Middle School.  


Project Meeting


Project News