Holiday trash, recycling and yard collections update:
Please view the holiday closure page for schedule of trash pickup over the holiday season.
This is the final phase of the project that is responsible for constructing a sewer main - parallel to an existing sewer main - in the Sycamore Creek Sewer Relief Improvement project.
The sewer main that serves the Sycamore Creek drainage basin area does not have adequate capacity to serve existing customers in the basin, and, serve proposed developments that are located further south. This project provides a sanitary sewer relief interceptor to combat sanitary sewer overflows. An interceptor sewer is a major sewer line that receives flows from trunk sewer lines and smaller sewer mains. This combined flow is then directed to a wastewater treatment facility or another interceptor.
Phase 4A of the parallel interceptor project is east of Riverside Drive, south of Hwy 287, west of Mitchell Boulevard and north of East Berry street. Phase 4B is east of the Fort Worth and Western Railroad, south of Berry Street, west of Old Mansfield Road and north of East Seminary Drive. Both are in Fort Worth Council District 8. Construction may impact customers in the United Communities Association and Glencrest Civic League areas.
This project is part of the Fort Worth Water Department’s sanitary sewer overflow initiative program. The phases include:
The new 66-inch diameter sewer main in Phases 1-3 will run parallel to the existing concrete sewer main which varies in diameter from 48 inches to 54 inches. Both lines will feed into the Village Creek Water Reclamation facility.
Duval Street at Elmwood Avenue, Fort Worth 76104 View Map
Duval Street at Elmwood Avenue , Fort Worth 76104
Phase 3 - Construction
Sewer Rehabilitation- Finished
Phase 4A - Final Design
Phase 4B- Design On Hold
Phase 3 - September 2024
Sewer Rehabilitation - Finished
Phase 4A - July 2027
Phase 4B - February 2028
Water and Sewer Funds
Phase 4A and 4B - 103288