Watercress Low Pressure Sewer Improvements

  • Project typeWater and Wastewater Improvements
  • Project value$3,677,935.00
Water & Sanitary Sewer Imrpovements

The area around Lake Worth was previously served by water wells and septic systems. Improvements include installation of a low pressure sewer system and individual grinder pumps. Affected streets include:

  • Watercress Drive from the Wildwood Park area to Surfside Drive;
  • Peninsula Club from Watercress Drive to Watercress Drive;
  • Sunrise Point Court from the dead end to Peninsula Club;
  • North Lake Drive from Watercress Drive to Watercress Drive;
  • Island View Drive from Watercress Drive to Watercress Drive;
  • Lupine Circle East from Ella Young to the dead end;
  • Lupine Circle South from Midland Drive to the dead end;
  • Lupine Circle West from Lupine Circle South to the dead end.

This project is in Fort Worth Council District 7.

Project Meeting

Project Update


8300 Lupine Circle, Fort Worth 76135  View Map

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