West Fork Collector Parallel Phase 1

  • Project typeWater and Wastewater Improvements
  • Project value$12,226,715.00
Water & Sanitary Sewer Imrpovements

This project includes the design to rehabilitate the existing 90-inch in diameter concrete gravity sanitary sewer main as well as plans to construct the West Fork Collector Parallel, Phase 1, Trinity River Siphon to Walker Branch Connection project.


The new sanitary sewer main will connect on the west side of the Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility (wastewater treatment plant) and the West Fork Trinity  River and move westerly.


This capital improvement project is south of Trammel Davis Road, north of  John T White Road and the Waterchase Golf Club and east of Precinct Line Road and Randol Mill Road. Construction may impact the Historic Randol’s Mill Valley Alliance.


This capital improvement project is in Fort Worth Council District 5.

Project Meeting

Project Update



West Fork Trinity River, Fort Worth 76120  View Map

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